Friday, September 14, 2018 being a patient clinical trials medical research Narrow Mindedness (article) I realize that a lot of academia, where medical research often happens, primarily uses Apple computers - desktops, iPads, and iPhones. Howev...
Wednesday, September 12, 2018 cancer costs medical research medication costs How Much Do Cancer Drugs Cost? (article) The line from the pharmaceutical manufacturers have always been that it costs billions to develop new drugs. And they have to recoup their c...
Friday, August 24, 2018 cancer vaccine fibromyalgia frustration medical research Frustration (article) In the world of continual medical research and advancements - that every day allow us to get improved treatments for ailments - I feel very ...
Wednesday, August 22, 2018 being a patient clinical trials medical research uncertainty with doctors New Research Says (article) How many times when you are talking to your doctor have you heard them say 'new research says...' or 'recent studies have shown....
Saturday, June 30, 2018 fake news medical information medical research Another Piece of Bad (And Misunderstood) Advice (article) Who has heard that green tea is good for people with cancer and for preventing cancer? 'Raises hand' Yes I have heard that. I don...
Friday, June 8, 2018 cancer cure cancer research medical research Cures (article) In the past few days I have learned of treatment breakthroughs for Multiple Myeloma and for Multiple Sclerosis - I have two friends which th...
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 ailments medical research stress Finding Good Medical Resources (article) This always amazes me. People get diagnosed with a medical ailment and then don't use the good medical resources available. If you need ...