Wednesday, September 26, 2018 humor Sense of Humor (article) How is your sense of humor on a normal day? This is a serious question. Do you keep your sense of humor? Do you have a sense of humor? If yo...
Sunday, May 6, 2018 being a patient Cancer death humor idiots A Rerun: Helping People With Cancer (article) I know this is a popular subject with people with cancer - how and how not to help them. Some people are idiots. I can tell you story after ...
Sunday, January 28, 2018 humor lack of sleep sleep television A Conversation (article) I had a conversation with myself last night, with a few insights from my husband. Let me say I was very tired yesterday. I didn't get th...
Saturday, December 16, 2017 humor unhealthiness You Know You Are Unhealthy When.... (article) Your calendar is full of medical appointments and you never get to see your friends. I used to work with a woman who told me that I was unhe...
Sunday, December 10, 2017 cancer bonds humor medical history Vanessa Bayer (article) I can tell you I am not Vanessa Bayer's biggest fan, because I honestly do not stay up until midnight to watch the show (waaaayyyy past ...