Saturday, September 22, 2018 #LadyGaga fatigue fibromyalgia pain levels I Travel In Elite Circles (article) Well I don't travel actually. But Lady Gaga of all people and I have something in common.We both have fibromyalgia. Her fibro is bad eno...
Friday, June 15, 2018 fatigue napping sleep Houston, We Have A Problem (article) I stole that line from the episode of Brother Vs. Brother that I am watching as I type. I cannot believe how much I have been sleeping. We h...
Thursday, May 24, 2018 annoyance fatigue tired Managing Fatigue (article) Do you remember how tired you felt during chemo and at the end of radiation? That's how tired I feel every day. As a result, my new word...
Saturday, May 5, 2018 fatigue lack of sleep sleep This is How Tired I Am (article) This morning I slept through my husband's alarm. I heard him shower and thought he was a taking a late night shower before bed. I did ge...
Thursday, May 3, 2018 fatigue frustration naps I Need A Nap (article) I am so tired these days. I haven't been getting enough sleep. I have been doing too much. Now that is not new but we did go away for th...
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 being a patient family fatigue travel Once Again I Wasn't The Patient (article) And it was nice. I went to visit my brother for the weekend. And didn't really see him. He had a kidney stone (and a lot nastier word to...
Monday, January 8, 2018 ailments energy exertion fatigue Cost of Exertion (article) I read an article over at Rheumatoid Arthritis.Ne t on the cost of exertion . What is the cost of exertion you ask? Basically, if you run a ...
Monday, December 4, 2017 apnea fatigue lack of sleep Managing That Sleep Thing (article) Yesterday I got to my last craft show of the season. I got set up and then sat down in my booth to regroup before the show started. I was ni...
Friday, December 1, 2017 exhaustion family fatigue friends Expectations vs. Abilities (article) Sometimes expectations exceed abilities. But the real problem is when other people's expectations of me exceed my abilities. For example...
Thursday, November 23, 2017 busy cooking fatigue holidays lack of sleep medications stress I Was Too Busy To Blog (article) Its the truth. I was too busy to blog. Tomorrow we are hosting Thanksgiving dinner for the first time. My mother, after 45 years of hosting ...
Wednesday, November 22, 2017 fatigue miracles naps pain levels Its A Miracle (article) I have been running around like a crazy person for the last few days, and will continue to over do things all through the long holiday weeke...